University of Florida Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Faculty Celebrates Duke Energy’s Generous Gift

In a significant boost to the University of Florida’s Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) department, Associate Professor Jonathan Scheffe has announced a gift from the Duke Energy Foundation. The donation, designated for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 academic year, will play a pivotal role in supporting and expanding the department’s initiatives in energy-focused education and research.

This generous contribution will fund eight $2,000 “Duke Energy Scholar” scholarships, aimed at highly motivated MAE students pursuing careers in the energy sector. The scholarships are part of a broader initiative to advance student engagement in energy-related fields. Each recipient will also gain access to the new Sustainable and Resilient Energy Engineering Certificate (SREEC) program. This innovative certificate is designed to provide students with cutting-edge knowledge and skills in sustainable energy practices.

Moreover, the Duke Energy Foundation’s gift will facilitate funding for student-led research projects utilizing solar measurement and conversion infrastructure at the UF Energy Research Park. This infrastructure includes advanced solar measurement systems and meteorological equipment that are crucial for solar energy research. The data collected by these systems is integrated with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s MIDC website, providing real-time and historical solar data crucial for designing efficient solar energy systems.

Since 2021, the Duke Energy Foundation has contributed a substantial $225,000 to UF’s MAE department. These funds have been instrumental in establishing the SREEC, funding over 50 scholarships, acquiring new solar measurement equipment, and supporting research in solar energy and energy storage. The collaboration has not only enriched the educational experiences of UF students but has also fostered significant research advancements in the energy sector.

Associate Professor Scheffe expressed his gratitude for the continued support from the Duke Energy Foundation, stating, “This gift from Duke Energy will provide several scholarships to our undergraduate and graduate students to participate in our new energy-focused certificate program. In addition, it will enable opportunities for students to engage in solar energy research and education at our Energy Research Park, where we have a solar monitoring and meteorological station providing real-time and archived data accessible worldwide.”

The relationship between UF’s MAE department and the Duke Energy Foundation has also facilitated valuable classroom interactions with Duke Energy employees and organized tours of the company’s solar energy and energy storage facilities in North Florida.

“This gift is a testament to the fruitful collaboration that MAE and the Duke Energy Foundation have established over the last four years,” Associate Professor Scheffe added. “We are excited to continue our collaboration, which has greatly enriched our academic and research programs.”

The UF MAE department looks forward to the continued success and impact of this collaboration, which promises to enhance educational opportunities and advance research in sustainable energy solutions.

“The University of Florida’s Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department is dedicated to researching vital topics that strive to move the utility industry forward,” said Melissa Seixas, State President of Duke Energy Florida. “We are proud to support these critical projects facilitated by the University and look forward to seeing the results of these student’s research.”