Rheological Properties of Rat Microglia Aged In Vitro

           While most current literature implicates hyperactive microglia as a possible cause of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), some research maintains that microglia remain beneficial throughout their lifespan.  Unlike other neuronal cells, however, microglia may exhibit a limited lifespan and therefore be subject to senescence-related dystrophy.  Hence, aging microglia may be unable to fully support the neural network resulting in neurodegenerative disorders due to neglect, rather than hyperactivity.

Although micropipette aspiration is becoming an increasingly common method of measuring a cell’s mechanical properties, researchers typically limit the technique to those cells circulating in the blood stream such as red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), and platelets.  While the rheological characterization afforded by the micropipette lends itself to suspended cells that deform as they circulate through capillary networks, the technique may provide valuable information on other cells’ ability to “flow” through tissue.  Already this theoretical jump has been made as researchers have used WBC-derived mechanical properties to describe how immune cells are able to exit the circulatory system and migrate to the site of an infection. 

Because the mechanical properties of microglia may have important implications in Alzheimer’s research, micropipette aspiration will be used to characterize these cells.  Unlike most cells in the CNS, microglia are peculiar in that they are not derived from neuronal progenitor cells but rather are closely related to the immunologically-active marrow-derived monocytes.  Since no mechanical models of microglial deformation currently exist, initial studies will use a WBC model to determine cytoplasmic viscosity, aspiration time and deformation ratio of microglia isolated from neonatal rat brains.  Comparing these properties over time.will hopefully provide valuable insight about in vitro aged microglia and their viability in scientific studies.  Similarly, changes in these properties over time may affect microglial migration through brain tissue and their ability to perform vital support functions in vivo. 

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