
Marie Kane

External Advisory Board Member


As the senior manager for Sandia’s Advanced and Exploratory (A&E) teams, Marie Kane provides leadership for her management team and strategy development and execution for the Advanced and Exploratory Systems Departments that support technology development and maturation for the Nuclear Deterrence (ND) mission. The A&E program at Sandia is responsible for developing next generation weapon architectures that support anticipated adversarial threats and defend against technology surprise.

Prior to joining Sandia, Marie spent three years at Savannah River National Laboratory in Aiken, SC, where she served as a Materials Scientist providing support for the Environmental Management (EM) Mission area as well as R&D expertise in the areas of energy storage and organic sensors. After joining Sandia in 2010 as a Member of the Technical Staff in the Materials Chemistry department, she continued to provide R&D expertise in energy storage and organic sensors, as well as contributing to Sandia’s ND mission programs.  In 2013, she joined the management team in providing leadership for the Materials Chemistry department.  In 2016, she moved on to manage the Remote Sensing Department in support of DHS programs.  Later in 2016, she took a brief hiatus from Sandia to pursue a career in Silicon Valley in energy storage, but came back to Sandia in 2017 to manage the Nuclear Weapons project management department. In 2018, Marie moved into a role as manager for the Advanced and Exploratory Systems Department. In 2020, she was promoted to Senior Manager and now manages a team of department managers that support the A&E mission at Sandia.

Marie currently serves as the Sandia representative for all future Nuclear Deterrence programs with the Air Force.

Marie has a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, both from the University of Florida. She currently holds three patents.