

Dr. Dan Guralnik

Research Assistant Scientist
Address Office NEB 567 Phone: (352) 294-1191


Dan Guralnik received his Ph.D. from the Technion-IIT Mathematics department in 2005, specializing in Geometric Group Theory. After post-doctoral appointments at Vanderbilt University and University of Oklahoma, where he worked on asymptotic geometry and boundary dynamics of discrete groups, he moved in 2011 to a post-doctoral appointment at KodLab, the legged locomotion laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania, to start work on applications of topology and category theory to problems of knowledge representation in the context of navigation and control. In fall 2019 he has joined NCR as a research scientist to work on developing formal and category-theoretical methods in hybrid control, as part of the AFOSR Center of Excellence in Assured Autonomy in Contested Environments.


Ph.D. Mathematics (Technion-IIT)

Professional Memberships and Fellowships

American Mathematical Society, Member

Teaching Interests

Algebra (linear, group theory, commutative algebra), Analysis/Calculus, Topology (point-set and algebraic), topics courses on connection of algebra and topology in control.

Research Interests

Hybrid dynamical systems theory from a category-theoretic viewpoint; mobile agent networks; general artificial intelligence and learning from the point of view of internal representations; finite metric geometry and quantization (e.g. clustering); geometric group theory and its applications; asymptotic invariants of non-positively curved groups and continua theory.