

Dr. Winfred M. Phillips

Address NEB 365 Phone: (352) 392-6620



D.Sc., 1968, University of Virginia

Professional Memberships and Fellowships

American Astronautical Society, Fellow 1993
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow 1982
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Fellow 1999
American Institute for Medical and Biomedical Engineering, Fellow 1992
American Physical Society, Member
American Society of Engineering Education, Fellow 1987
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fellow 1984
Biomedical Engineering Society, Fellow 2005
Society of Automotive Engineers, Member
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Fellow 1993
American Society for Artificial Internal Organs, Member
Association of Technology Managers, Member
Licensing Executives Society Inc., Member
New York Academy of Sciences, Fellow 1995
Royal Society for Arts, Fellow 1987

Research Interests

Fluid mechanics, gas dynamics, biomedical engineering.