WEB page first set-up November 29, 1995.                                                                                     Latest update June 19, 2024
    Ulrich H. Kurzweg       Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida

  Contact Address: UF Bldg MAE-a
, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
kurzweg@ufl.edu                                                                   Office Telephone: (352) 392-0961


         BS- University of Maryland 1958 ( Physics
and Mathematics )
         MA- Princeton University 1959 (Physics).

         PhD- Princeton University 1961 (Physics).
         Dissertation-"Magnetohydrodynamic Stability of Curved Viscous Flows"
         PostDoc(Fulbright Grant)University of Freiburg, Germany 1961-62(Applied Math).

Magnetohydrodynamics, Hydrodynamic Stability, Thermal Convection, Solar Concentrators, Solar Pumped Lasers, Enhanced Diffusion in Gases, Diffusional Separation of Gases, Oscillatory Heat Transfer, Stirling Cycle Refrigeration, Thermal Pulse Propagation, and Heat Transfer in Composites. You can also visit our research page at THERMAL PUMPING, GAS SEPARATION AND OTHER THINGS which
describes some of the research my students and I have been involved  in.

Classes in mechanics and applied mathematics at the undergraduate level plus graduate offerings in ordinary and partial differential equations , boundary value problems, integral equations, and variational methods.

Student Testimonial:     Ulrich Kurzweg, Department of Aerospace, Mechanics, and Engineering Sciences,University of Florida.
                                           He has a PhD in Physics from Princeton University. He was a Fulbright Scholar. Absolutely brilliant.
                                           Eidtic memory, wonderful, virtuoso, inspiring, productive and also nice. He was my first engineering
                                           professor. Nearly 20 years later, he is still the best. Nobody even comes close.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Carol Demas
                                                                                                                 ( Mathematics Department, University of Florida and
                                                                                                                                         Santa Fe College)



"Spectra of Afterglows and Discharges in Oxygen-Nitrogen Mixtures," (with A.M. Bass and H.P. Broida), J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 1, 184-200, 1957.

"Vibrational Intensity Distributions in the Nitrogen Afterglow,"(with H.P.Broida),
J.Mol. Spectroscopy, 3, 388-404, 1959.

"The Stability of Couette Flow Between Rotating Cylinders in the Presence of an Axial Magnetic Field," J. Fluid Mech. 17, 52-60, 1963.

"Convective Instability of a Hydromagnetic Fluid within a Rectangular Cavity", Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 8, 35-41, 1965.

"A Criterion for the Stability of Heterogeneous Swirling Flows," J. Appl. Math. Phys. ZAMP 20, 141-143, 1969.

"Stability of Natural Convection within an Inclined Channel," Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. Trans. Sect. C 92, 192, 1970.

"Helical Modes of Instability in Swirling Flow between Concentric  Cylinders", J.Applied Math.Phys. ZAMP 21,     260-265, 1970.

"Stability of Swirling Flows with Radius Dependent Density" (with Y. Fung), J. Fluid Mech. 72, 243-256, 1975.

"Amplification of Helical Disturbances in a Round Jet "(with J.L.Lopez), Phys.Fluids 20, 860-861, 1977.

"Two-Dimensional Hartmann Flows with Cross-Stream Dependent  Conductivity" (with T. Trovillion, R. Elkins and E. R. Lindgren), Phys. Fluids 22, 843, 1979.

"Isothermal Expansion of a Two-phase Fluid in an MHD Generator Duct"(with R.Elkins,T.Trovillion, and E.Lindgren),Phys.Fluids , 22, 2035-2037,1979.

"Characteristics of Axicon Concentrators for use in Photovoltaic Energy Conversion", Solar energy 24, 411-412, 1980.

"Class of Axisymmetric Mirrors with Uniform Flux Concentration along their Axes", J.Optical Society 70, 750-752, 1980.

"On a Class of Axisymmetric Concentrators with Uniform Flux Concentration for Photovoltaic Applications," Solar Energy 24, 507, 1980.

"Maximum Solar Flux Concentration Achievable with Axicon Reflectors", J. Solar Energy 25, 221,1980.

"Current Induced Instabilities in Rotating Hydromagnetic Flows between Concentric Cylinders," (with A. Khalfoui), Phys. Fluids 25, 440-445, 1981.

"Analysis of a 10MW Space-Based Solar-Pumped Liqid Neodynium Laser System", NASA Tech Report (CR-3774), 1984.

"Transport of Gases in High-Frequency Ventilation"(with M.Jaeger and M.J.Banner), Critical Care Medicine,12(9),708-10,1984.

"Heat Transfer by High Frequency Oscillations; A New Hydrodynamic Technique for Achieving Large Effective Thermal Conductivities" ,(with L. Zhao), Phys. Fluids 27, 2624-2627, 1984.

"Enhanced Heat Conduction in Fluids Subjected to Sinusoidal Oscillations," J. of Heat Transfer (ASME), 107, 459-462, 1985.

"Enhanced Heat Conduction in Oscillatory Viscous Flows within Parallel Plate Channels," J. Fluid Mech., 156, 291-300, 1985.

"Economical Fabrication of Large Parabolic Mirrors",(with R.T.Schneider, and J .D.Cox) , Applied Optics 24, 4434, 1986.

"Tuning Effect in Enhanced Gas Dispersion Under Oscillatory Conditions", (with M. Jaeger), Phy. Fluids, 29, 1324-1326, 1986.

"Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Heat Flux in Oscillating Flow Subjected to an Axial Temperature Gradient," Int'l J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 29, pp.1969-1977, 1986.

"Diffusional Separation of Gases by Sinusoidal Oscillations", (with M. Jaeger), Phys. Fluids 30, 1023-1025, 1987.

"Enhanced Diffusional Separation in Liquids by Sinusoidal Oscillations" ,Sep. Science and Tech. 23, 105-117 (1988).

"Onset of Turbulence in Oscillating Flow at Low Womersley Number" ,(with E.R. Lindgren and B. Lothrop), Physics of Fluids A1, 1972-1975 (1989).

"Extention of the Simple Algorithm to Heat Transfer in Time- Periodic Flows with Moving Boundaries", (with A. Zhao), J. Num. Heat Transfer Part B, 18, 189-203, 1990.

"Time-resolved Flow Field in a Rectangular Chamber containing a Sinusoidally Oscillating Piston"(with A.Zhao), Phys.Fluids A2(7)1284-1286, 1990.

"Diffusional Separation of Gases and Solutes in Oscillatory Flow", (with M. Jaeger, T. Soepardi and A. Maddahian), Sep. Science and Tech., 26, 503-514, 1991.

"Separation of Gases by Enhanced Upstream Diffusion", (with M. Jaeger and P. Kalle), Sep. Science and Tech. 27, 691-702, 1992.

"Velocity and Temperature Fields within a Thermal Pump", (with A. Zhao), pp. 1002-1013, in Transport Phenomena in Heat and Mass Transfer, J.A. Reizes (ed), Elsevier Press, 1992.

"Enhanced Axial Dispersion in Oscillating Pipe Flow with Time-Dependent Solutes Concentration at Its Ends", (with J. Zhang and W. Zegel), J. of Fluids Engineering (ASME) 18, 160-165, 1996.

"Thermal Pulse Propagation and Dispersion in Laminar Flow within Conduits of Finite Wall Conductivity",(with M. Jaeger), Int.J.Heat Mass Transfer 40,1391-1400, 1997.

"Flow Rate Determination in Conduits Using a Thermal Pulse Technique",(with M. Jaeger), Int.Comm.Heat Mass Transfer 24,211-221, 1997.

"Ventilation of Enclosed Porous Media by the Application of Periodic Pressure Variations", (with M.Jaeger), Int.J.Eng.Sciences 41, 2299-2304, 2003.


#4590993-Heat Transfer Device for the Transport of Large Heat Flux.

#4770675-Method for Separating Gases by Enhanced Diffusion.

#4976311-An Oscillatory Liquid-Liquid Heat Exchanger.


Born Jena, Germany , 1936. Came to the US in 1947 . Naturalized US citizen 1956. Married Sophia Speth 1963. Woodrow Wilson Fellow (1958), Fulbright Grant (1961-62), Senior Theoretical Physicist, United Technology Research Labs(1962-68), Adjunct Associate Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Hartford Graduate Center(1964-68), Professor, University of Florida(1968-2003).Tau Beta Pi Teaching Awards (1970, 73, 90, and 95), NASA Certificate of Recognition (1984), College of Engineering Teaching Award (1991), University of Florida Teaching Award (1991) and TIP Award (1993 and 1998).  Who's Who in the World , Who's Who in America, Who's Who in Engineering, American Men of Science, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Who's Who in Technology Today, Who's Who in American Education, Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award, and Lifetime Membership American Association for the Advancement of Science.


WEB SITES:  Here are four of our Web Sites used as course suppliments and tecnical information sources.  Click on any of these activated pages to see what is in them. At  this time the most active of the pages is the TECH-BLOG. I try to add about one article per week on this blog.


Yosemite(1974),  Iguacu Falls(1996), Wife and Daughter at the Oregon Coastline(1974), Salzburg(1999), Aspen(1972), Beach at Nice(1998), Pyramids at Giza(1983), Along the Great Wall(1995), Leaning Tower of Pisa(1962), Alaska Cruise(1987),  Istanbul(1988), Grand Canyon(1979), Monument Valley(1979) , Machu Picchu(1982), Gripsholm (1990), Stonehenge(1986), Florence(1984), Gondola Ride in Venice(1962), Capri(2005), Somewhere in Italy with my old VW(1962), Kochel(1968),  First Grade(1942) First return visit to Peenemuende(1999) in 56 years,   Bora Bora(2006), Parthenon(1983), Scottish Highlands(1986), Sydney(1982) with Daughter at Gateway Arch St.Louis (1972)Diving bird petroglyph  Bay of Pisco, Peru(1982), Transylvania(1988), Rothenburg(1999) , Waikiki Beach(1980), Swiss Alps(2000), Passing through Panama Canal(2008),  Beach at Fiji(2007),  St.Petersburg(1997), Chichen Itza(1983), Castle-Chillon(1970)Alhambra(1981), Quelin(1995) , Valpariso(1996), Santorini(2001), Easter Island(2006), Macao(1995), Niagra Falls(2003), Marrakesh(1981), Prague(1994),  Notre Dame(1998) , Grand Tetons(1974), Danube at Budapest(1994) , Trevi Fountain(1984), Delphi(1983), Rio de Janeiro(1996), Mountain Trail near Zermatt(2000) , Queenstown, New Zealand(2007), Brandenburg Gate, Berlin(1994), Our Florida Home(2010),Eagles Nest Berchtesgaden(1992), Ayres Rock, Australian Outback(2007) ,with Grandson St.Augustine Beach, Florida(2008) , Rounding Cape Horn (2008) Dining in Pittsburgh(2010).

                                                                                   |_ 8mm _|                                                                                                                                                    Mach 1.76 flow past a sharpened nailhead in a miniature supersonic wind tunnel. Shocks made visible by means of  the
  schlieren technique.
Part of  the author's 1954 high school science project at Montgomery Blair High School, Silver Spring,
  Maryland, USA.

Four Term Formula for Pi (1987)


 Generalized  Criterion for the Stability of Heterognous Swirling Flows (1969 ZAMP paper)

 Effective Axial Thermal Diffusivity for Oscillating Viscous Flow in a Parallel Plate Channel (1985 JFM paper)


                1992 oil painting #1                                 
Teaching Mathematics                      1993 oil painting #2
                                                                    University of Florida 1968-2003                                                               

                                                                                                Thermal Pump (1984)



          Wood Inlay using Red Oak and Poplar                                        Wood Inlay using Red Oak and Aspen
(2011)                                                                                                  (2012)

Number Fraction(2012)                                                 Hexagonal Spiral and Prime Numbers(2013)

                     Prime Number Function ( 2014 )
                                                    Modified Pascal Triangle (2015)

                            Cellular Automaton (2015)                                  KTL Method for Function Approximations(2016)

                      Prime Number Function (2017)                                                           Goldbach Pairs(2017)                       

                        Factoring a Semi-Prime (2018)                                                   New Factorial Identity (2018)

              Zeta Zeros by Contour Mapping  (2019)                                 Prime Number Density(2019)                               


                                                            Factoring a 40 Digit Semi-Prime(2020)  


                                                   Roots Using Diophantine Equation(2021)


Modified Factorial Formula(2022)



Factoring N=pq (2023)


                                                  Equations for Sigma and Number Fraction(2024)


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