John Schueller Lands Prestigious Cyrus Hall McCormick – Jerome Increase Case Gold Medal

Professor John Schueller of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering has been honored with the prestigious Cyrus Hall McCormick – Jerome Increase Case Gold Medal by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. This esteemed award is presented annually to recognize exceptional and meritorious engineering achievements that have significantly advanced agriculture. Schueller’s groundbreaking contributions in engineering have led to innovative concepts, products, and processes that have notably enhanced agricultural development.

In expressing his gratitude for the award, Schueller emphasized the collaborative nature of his achievements. “I’m very grateful for this award. But it was only possible with the help of many engineers and agriculturalists who also believe in the importance of engineering in agriculture,” Schueller remarked. His recognition highlights the collective effort and shared vision that drive advancements in the field, acknowledging the crucial role played by his peers and collaborators.

Reflecting on his career, Schueller reminisced about his early days in agriculture. “Fifty-eight years ago when in sixth grade I designed my first piece of agricultural equipment—a cattle feeder for spent brewer grains—wrong final dimensions taught me that 4×4 wood is actually 3.5 inches on each side. Since that time, I have continued to work on engineering for agriculture and manufacturing. It is great to get some validation for all my efforts,” he shared. This award not only celebrates Schueller’s significant contributions but also serves as a testament to his lifelong commitment to the intersection of engineering and agriculture.