Advising & Curriculum

Advising & Curriculum

MAE Undergraduate Advising resources

  • This site
  • FAQs below
  • Advising Canvas
  • Advising Monthly Update Emails

Email with questions or forms needing signatures from advisors or department chairs. Use your UF email address and include your UFID number with a clear description of your need. Advisors are not assigned to students: each specializes in specific areas, so tell us how we can help you.

Use the menu to the left to navigate to pages with additional advising and curriculum information.

MAE Peer Advising

MAE Peer Advisors are available to discuss research, study abroad, internships, course planning, involvement, and more! They are MAE current upperclass-men and -women.

Peer Advising begins a few weeks into each Fall and Spring semester. Find PA contact information and schedules on the MAE Undergraduate Advising Canvas.

Holds, Registration, & Course Planning

Refer to the MAE Advising Canvas for hold removal instructions each term. Additional resources are included in the Monthly Advising Updates emails.

Advising holds are placed around mid-semester each fall and spring. Advising will notify you of this via email.

Utilize the following MAE Curriculum Sheets, the MAE Curriculum Maps, the UF Catalog, and your Degree Audit to plan your courses.

Curriculum Sheets

Read the sheets carefully and completely. These are suggested outlines and it is each student’s responsibility to craft their individual plan.

Your Degree Audit supersedes the information provided in these documents, so ensure you are completing the requirements listed there. If your audit differs from these sheets, the audit must be followed. Keep in mind your peers may have different catalog years and, thus, different requirements.

Technical & Specialization Electives

Course Schedules

Student Responsibilities

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering will make every effort to advise students on degree requirements, course selections, etc. However, it is ultimately the individual student’s responsibility to ensure that they have satisfied all degree requirements and read the information that is sent to them through email.

The HWCOE Academic Policies state that it is the student’s responsibility to review and consider all pertinent information about the university and the college. Special attention must be paid to required documentation and deadlines.

The ONE.UF website is a valuable tool for the individual student to track degree progress. We strongly encourage students to periodically check their Degree Audit at the ONE.UF website. You must satisfy all the requirements on the degree audit in order to graduate. The Curriculum Sheets posted above are additional course planning resources you may find helpful.


Q. I have a hold on my account. Can you remove it?
A. Read the Holds and Registration page on the MAE Advising Canvas. Advising can assist with some, not all, holds.

Q. I tried to register for an MAE course and it says I cannot because I am missing pre-requisites. How do I get into the course?
A. Review the Curriculum Sheet above for your major to confirm what the course pre-requisites are. You MUST take pre-requisites prior to their corresponding course, NO EXCEPTIONS.
If you have successfully completed a pre-requisite and it is not showing on your degree audit, complete the Pre-requisite Override Qualtrics survey for the correct academic term. This survey is shared with students on our MAE Undergraduate Advising Canvas “Holds and Registration” page.

Q. I am trying to register for a course outside of MAE and I’m running into a problem. What do I do?
A. Contact the department that offers the course. Department contact information is available on the UF Homepage.

Q. Credits I have from high school or another college/university are not appearing on my Degree Audit. How do I get those credits to show up?
A. First check the Transfer Course section at the bottom of your Degree Audit on ONE.UF.EDU. If the course is listed there, email from your Gatorlink address and include your UF ID number with a clear description of your concern. If the course is not listed, contact the Admissions Office Transfer Evaluations team.

Q. I need a petition or form signed. How do I get this signature?
A. Read the “Forms and Petitions” page of the MAE Advising Canvas to ensure you filled the form out correctly. Use text boxes when they are enabled on the online document. Provide your signature where required, by using your mouse with the edit/drawing function of your internet browser or with an e-signature. Compile supporting documentation to be sent along with the form. Send the completed form in PDF format along with any additional documentation or supporting materials to from your Gatorlink address, and include a description of the purpose for the form along with your UFID.

Q. I would like more information about the 4/1 combined BS/MS program.
A. Visit this page of our website for all necessary information.

Q. I would like to declare the dual ASE/ME degree. How do I do this?
A. View the Application for Dual Degree form to verify that you meet the requirements for application. You must apply between 45 and 96 hours of UF courses. If you are eligible to apply, complete the form following the instructions on the “Forms and Petitions” page of the MAE Advising Canvas and email it to using your Gatorlink address, including your UFID.

Advising Contacts

Who is my advisor?

Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, and Transfers

Book appointments on the “Appointment Booking” page of the MAE Advising Canvas. Direct all advising questions to Always use your UF email address and include your UF ID number along with a clear description of how we may assist you. The appropriate advisor will respond to you.

Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, and Transfers are assigned to a professional academic advisor according to the first letter of their last name.

  • Meghan Cowper: A-E
  • Eunice Carter: F-L
  • Ronnie Potts: M-R
  • Ellen Truchon: S-Z

Each advisor specializes in specific areas of assistance and is not assigned to students based solely on last name. As a result, students may occasionally be connected with an academic advisor that deviates from the assignment according to last names. Please continue to send emails to and/or book an appointment with your assigned advisor unless informed otherwise.

First-Year (non-transfer) Students

Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering advisors are available to help you plan your academic program of study, explore majors, and develop your career goals. The Engineering Advising Center (EAC) advises all first-year (non-transfer) engineering students.