Advancing Excellence: MAE Faculty Promotions

The department is thrilled to share the recent faculty promotions, tenure awards, and other notable changes within the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. These achievements underscore our commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and leadership in the field. Jonathan Brooks and Sean Niemi’s promotions to Senior Lecturers (Associate Instructional Professors) reflect their dedication to enhancing our educational mission. James Fairbanks’ transition to Assistant Professor within MAE marks an exciting consolidation of talent and expertise, highlighting our department’s growth.

Furthermore, Amor Menezes’ tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, along with John Conklin’s promotion to Professor, signify their scholarly impact and commitment to advancing knowledge in Mechanical and Aerospace engineering. We are also especially pleased to announce that Hugh Fan and Warren Dixon have been honored with the distinction of Distinguished Professor, recognizing their exceptional contributions to their respective fields.

Looking ahead, these advancements strengthen our faculty’s capabilities to tackle complex challenges and drive innovation. The future of MAE is bright, with these accomplished individuals spearheading groundbreaking research and fostering the next generation of engineers. Their achievements inspire us all and set a high standard for excellence in academia and beyond.

Please join us in congratulating Jonathan Brooks, Sean Niemi, James Fairbanks, Amor Menezes, John Conklin, Hugh Fan, and Warren Dixon on their well-deserved accomplishments. Together, we celebrate their success and eagerly anticipate the exciting developments to come in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.