W.E. Rise’s Take on Cultivating a Growth Mindset

As we make our way through Women’s History Month, we’re highlighting the W.E. Rise program within UF MAE.

W.E. Rise (Women Engineers) is a group of UF engineering alumni and friends who give back financially and with their time through mentoring in support of our mission. Their ultimate goal is that every female student will have access to a mentor throughout their academic career.

Most recently, their guest speaker event featured panelists sharing guidance and strategies for embracing challenge, learning from mistakes and accepting criticism with poise.

W.E. Rise: Cultivating a Growth Mindset

As we celebrate the strength and resilience of women’s history this month, we applaud the female engineers that enrich the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Florida each and every day.

If you’re a student who is interested in joining the program as a mentee, reach out to Dr. Chelsey Simmons at WERise@mae.ufl.edu. If you’re a prospective mentor, alumni or sponsor who is interested in getting involved, reach out to Mary Church at mchurch@eng.ufl.edu.