

Dr. W. Gregory Sawyer

Courtesy Scholar
Address Office MAE-B 328 Lab MAE-B 111 Phone: (352) 392-8488 Website: Research Page


W. Gregory Sawyer is an N. C. Ebaugh Professor and a Distinguished Teaching Scholar. He received his PhD from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1999, and later that year joined the faculty in Mechanical Engineering. Prof. Sawyer has published over 200 journal papers, has over 10,000 citations, holds over 20 patents, and is most proud of his numerous PhD students that are now faculty members and scientists across the globe. He was a speaker at TED 8 (1998), a member of the original Mars Rover Program (NASA-JPL 1992), and is currently leading efforts in Cancer Engineering. Prof. Sawyer’s research interests have led to many adventures, from operating experiments (remotely) in space on the International Space Station to conducting experiments on the surface of the eye.


PhD, 1999, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Teaching Interests

EML 4502 Mechanical Engineering Design 3
EML 4501 Mechanical Engineering Design 2
EML 3005 Mechanical Engineering Design 1

Research Interests

Prof. Sawyer’s research is focused on Cancer Engineering, which is following a transdisciplinary approach that links the physical sciences, engineering, mathematics and simulation, with pharmacology, oncology, gene therapy, and biomedicine all with a focus on cancer. Just as the treatment of cancer in the hospital setting involves a multidisciplinary team of oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, and surgeons, the research of cancer in the laboratory setting must adopt a modern convergent approach. The Cancer Engineering Laboratory designs and builds 3D printers to fabricate microtissues, instruments for in situ studies immuno-oncology, devices for high-throughput drug screening, and infrastructure for in vitro culture, maturation, and drug studies with patient derived microtumors.