Associate Professors

Associate Professors

Dr. Katerina E. Aifantis Associate Professor and MAE Faculty Fellow
(352) 392-6227

After obtaining my Bachelor’s in Engineering in 2002 with a minor in Mathematics, at the age of 19, I received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship with which I obtained my Master’s from the University of Cambridge in 2004 and my PhD at the University of Groningen in 2005 at the age of 21, becoming the youngest PhD in The Netherlands.…

Dr. Bruce F. Carroll Associate Professor
(352) 392-4943

Ph.D., 1988, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Professional Memberships and Fellowships
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Member
American Society of Engineering Education, Member
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Member
Research Interests

My current research interests center on engineering education with emphasis on peer mentoring and advising processes, incorporation of AI augmented recommender systems in academic and career mentoring, and factors affecting matriculation of students from undergraduate to graduate study.…

Dr. John W. Conklin Professor
(352) 392-0614

John Conklin is an Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Florida. He joined the UF faculty in 2012 after a three-year research associateship at the W.W. Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory at Stanford. He received his BS and MEng degrees from Cornell and PhD from Stanford in 2009. In 2011, John was the Fulbright Junior Lecturer at the University of Trento in Italy.…

Dr. Alison C. Dunn Robert and Jill Peterson Associate Professor
(352) 392-0039


  • PhD Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida 2013
  • MS Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida 2006
  • BS Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida 2004
Dr. Norman G. Fitz-coy Associate Professor
(352) 392-1029

Ph.D., 1990, Auburn University
Professional Memberships and Fellowships
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Member
Research Interests
Dynamics and control of multibody systems, game theory, orbital dynamics, flight mechanics.

Dr. Ryan W. Houim Associate Professor
(352) 392-7164

Ryan Houim received his BSME from North Dakota State University and his MS and Ph.D. degrees from the Pennsylvania State University.  He was a National Research Council post-doctoral fellow at the Naval Research Laboratory and a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland prior to joining the University of Florida.  His research is focused on understanding the dynamics of multiphase and chemically reactive flows using numerical simulation techniques.  …

Dr. Ashok V. Kumar Associate Professor
(352) 392-0816

Ph.D., 1993, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professional Memberships and Fellowships
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Member
Research Interests
Multifunctional structures, Finite Element Method, Geometric Modeling, Design Optimization and Rapid Prototyping.

Dr. Richard C. Lind Associate Professor
(352) 392-6745

Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, 1995, University of Minnesota
Professional Memberships and Fellowships
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Member
Research Interests
aeroservoelasticity, morphing, controls, flight testing

Dr. Steven A. E. Miller Associate Professor
(352) 392-0886

Prof. Steven A. E. Miller, Ph.D., conducts research in theoretical fluid dynamics, theoretical aeroacoustics, and related disciplines. He joined the University of Florida Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in August of 2016. For seven years he was a United States government civil servant and was appointed to the position of theoretical aeroacoustician (research aerospace engineer) at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Langley Research Center, Aeroacoustics Branch.…

Dr. Jonathan R. Scheffe Associate Professor
(352) 392-0839

Jonathan Scheffe is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Florida. Prof. Scheffe’s research is focused on the conversion and storage of solar energy in the form of renewable fuels/electricity through thermochemical routes. He is the former chair of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Solar Energy Division and has co-authored more than 35 peer received publications in the field of solar thermal energy conversion.…

Dr. Curtis R. Taylor Associate Professor
(352) 392-4440

Dr. Curtis R. Taylor, Ph.D. directs the nanomechanics research lab at UF. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in solid mechanics. Nanomechanics deals with the study and application of fundamental mechanical properties of physical systems at the nanoscale, like elastic, thermal, and kinetic. The application of this research seeks to develop new technologies that utilize the unique properties of nano- and bio-materials.…