News & Media

News & Media

Celebrating Black Engineer Legacies

This month we celebrate Black engineers of UF MAE and the legacies they are creating for future students and engineers of color. Follow along as we spotlight MAE engineers, their work, and their experiences.

An Innovative Medical Breakthrough from the SYBORGS Lab

Dr. Amor Menezes, Dr. Damon Ghetmiri, and Alessia Venturi of the SYBORGS Lab at UF MAE, along with Dr. Mitchell Cohen of the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, authored a paper on their breakthrough research that was published in Nature Communications this month. The paper centers on models the group developed that can assess the…

Remembering MAE Alumnus Maria Evans Herborn

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering would like to give our condolences to the family and friends of one of our most accomplished Alumni Maria Evans Herborn. A tribute from is included below. Maria was beautiful, very intelligent, and a social being who believed in doing good using her time, talents, and treasures God…


Summer 2024 Dear colleagues, alumni, supporters, and friends,   The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Florida has had a remarkable past few months filled with notable achievements and contributions across various fronts. The student capstone project demonstrated the department’s commitment to real-world problem-solving, as engineering students collaborated with peers at the Georgia…

Honoring Dr. Bernard Leadon

The impact that Dr. Bernard Leadon had on his students and the Gainesville community is unparalleled.   Dr. Bernard Leadon was a well-known professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, but before his time in the Swamp, Bernie wore many other hats.  Bernard was born in November 1917 in Farmington, Minnesota, the son of Bernard…

Undergraduate Senior Design Capstone Presents to Retired NASA Engineers

On Wednedsay, December 6th, Dr. Persad’s undergraduate senior design capstone group presented at the Nuclear Sciences Building. This is a culminating design course for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering students, and they worked to develop a conceptual design for external clients. This semester, student teams worked with the Astro Restoration Project (ARP), a not-for-profit, all volunteer organization,…

Dr. Balachandar receives the “2024 ASME Fluids Engineering Award”

The ASME Fluids Engineering Award was established by the Fluid Engineering Division in 1968. The awards stands for many honors, specifically it represents an individual for outstanding contributions over a period of years for the engineering profession and to the field of fluids engineering through research, practice, and/or teaching. Dr. Balachandar was selected for this award…

With NASA funding, Dr. Jacob Chung blazes a trail to the stars

As humanity presses on in the greatest and most ambitious adventure in its history, as our species extends its presence in space and travels ever farther into the wondrous depths of the universe, Dr. Jacob Chung continues to live and thrive on the cutting edge of what is possible. Chung’s influence on the quest of exploration…