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News & Media

STEMTank Summer Camp Receives ASEE PreK-12 Commission Spotlight

The Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Department’s award-winning STEMTank summer camp received spotlight recognition by the PreK-12 Commission of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) to coincide with ASEE’s annual conference. The spotlight announcement is posted at the ASEE PreK-12 Commission’s website: STEMTank is a hybrid delivery summer program funded by the U.S. Department of…


After six years of hard work and competitions, UF’s SolarGators placed first in the 2023 Electrek Formula Sun Grand Prix, held June 27–July 2 at Heartland Motorsports Park in Topeka, KS. The student-run team, sponsored in part by both the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (MAE), drove…

As SubjuGator prepares for RoboSub 2023, a look back at NaviGator’s trip to the 2022 Maritime RobotX Challenge

Last November, the NaviGator team from the UF Machine Intelligence Laboratory (MIL) traveled to the land down under for the Maritime RobotX Challenge in Sydney, Australia. The competition, which involves boats being controlled by integrated autonomous robotic systems completing tasks on the water, featured teams from 20 universities in eight different countries. Prizes are awarded in…

Dr. SA Sherif’s Massive Impact in Research on Energy

Dr. SA Sherif, MAE Excellence Professor, and his research group have been involved in at least seven thrust areas pertaining to energy conversion devices and systems. Two of those thrust areas include frost formation in large walk walk-in freezers and design optimization of thermal and energy systems.   Dr. Sherif shared that frost formation in large…

Dr. Thomas Angelini Awarded $2M for NSF Award

Dr. Thomas Angelini, Associate Professor in the Department of MAE, landed a $2M NSF Award called “IntBio: Functional genomic dissection of biomineralization at multiple scales using a new marine model” in collaboration with the Whitney lab. The collaborative team consists of (Martindale- cell and developmental biology, Loesgen- natural products chemistry, Wingender- biomineralization materials scientist, and Angelini-…

Dr. Bruce Carroll Lands Two NSF Awards

Dr. Bruce Carroll, Associate Professor in the Department of MAE, has two NSF awards up for negotiation. His first is the NSF IUSE (Improving Undergraduate STEM Education) Engaged Student Learning Level 1 award. This project is titled MAE is Me: Equity-Focused, Evidence-Based Proactive Advising in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. This project is a collaboration with Dr. Kent…

UF engineers create viable artificial blood vessels by stretching the science of silicone 3D printing

Silicone-based components are an important structural ingredient in innumerable technologies and consumer goods — from electronic devices and automobiles to aircraft and medical devices. High-quality silicone printing is a specialized technological feat that currently depends on a few, very restrictive commercially available systems, using costly proprietary silicones to manufacture structures that are typically not very soft,…

Dr. Saeed Moghaddam Receives Grant from the Department of Energy ARPA-E to Revolutionize Data Centers’ Energy Efficiency and Carbon Footprint Reduction

We proudly announce today that UF has been awarded a prestigious grant from ARPA-E under COOLERCHIPS program to spearhead groundbreaking research and development aimed at dramatically increasing the energy efficiency of data centers while significantly reducing their carbon footprint. “Project Hyper-efficient Data Centers for Deep Decarbonization of Large-scale Computing” is the result of years of scientific…

Dr. Jacob Chung awarded the 2023 Thermal and Fluids Engineering Award

Dr. Jacob Chung was awarded the “2023 Thermal and Fluids Engineering Award” from the American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE). This is the top society award from ASTFE. Dr. Chung is currently the Andrew H. Hines, Jr./Progress Energy Eminent Scholar Chair Professor at the University of Florida. Professor Chung is an exceptional researcher that…