UF Branch Officers:
President – David Lewis
Email: dlewis3@ufl.edu
Vice President Internal – Pandya Malaav
Email: mpandya1@ufl.edu
Vice President External – Sasha Gorbanovski
Email: s.gorbanovski@ufl.edu
Treasurer – Joseph Carello
Email: josephcarello@ufl.edu
Secretary – Carson Clouse
Email: carsonclouse@ufl.edu
Faculty Advisor:
John Abbitt
Email: jda@ufl.edu
Purpose and Mission
Aerogators is dedicated to giving students from any major or background hands on experience in the Aerospace and Aviation field. Through time spent building and designing aircraft we aim to prepare students for industry by enabling them to apply techniques learned in the classroom, and master new skills that will be of lifelong value.
History and Goals
In the past, Aerogators has undertaken multi-year projects to design and manufacture aircraft, such as The Excalibur (pictured above). This year, we are setting up a new in-club competition: Designing and manufacturing remote control drones to fly through a specially designed obstacle course. The current plan is to hold this competition at the end of the Spring 2024 semester, and we may do similar competitions in the years to come.
Join Us
We accept members from any and all majors as aircraft design and construction requires a wide range of skills. Some tasks we face include: budgeting (for both weight and money), wiring, metal/woodworking, air frame design, and more.
Onboarding is simple; just show up! New members will be assigned to a role that matches their area of interest, and learning happens through doing in our club. We hope that our club members will learn a variety of skills that will make them truly stand out to potential employers, while also being useful in their day to day lives. We also aim to foster a community not only around aerospace but also aviation in general.