Florida Rocket Lab

Florida Rocket Lab

Liquid Prop Logo

UF Branch Officers:

President – David Delgado
Email:  ufliquidpropulsion@gmail.com

Faculty Advisor:

Prof. Ryan Houim
Email: rhouim@ufl.edu


The Liquid Propulsion Development Team’s goal is to design, develop, test, and fire liquid propellant rocket engines. Our team is focused on providing undergraduate students with valuable experience in the liquid-fueled rocket engine field and expose them to aerospace industry specific topics and practices early in their curriculum. Students on this team bring a rocket engine through its entire design cycle, from drawing board to fire and smoke.

To get involved with Liquid Propulsion Development Team, join our Slack workspace at join.slack.com/t/flrocketlab, and join as many channels as you are interested in. Stay tuned to the general channel for meeting times, or reach out directly to ufliquidpropulsion@gmail.com. The team welcomes any and all students interested in the design of rocket engines!