

The Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) and the Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering (BSAE) are administered by the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE). MAE is home to about 1,800 undergraduate students, with approximately 70% majoring in Mechanical Engineering (ME) and 30% in Aerospace Engineering (AE). In 2002, the undergraduate curriculum was revised in order to promote synergy between the Mechanical and Aerospace undergraduate programs while maintaining focus on the unique attributes of each degree. Thus, many students take the opportunity to pursue a dual degree in both majors.

Mechanical Engineering is among the oldest and broadest of all engineering disciplines. ME applies the principles of engineering, physics, materials and engineering science for the analysis, design, manufacturing, testing and maintenance of mechanical systems. ME is an interdisciplinary major that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and systems.

Aerospace Engineering is an engineering discipline that is focused on the design, construction, testing and operation of airplanes and spacecraft. Aerospace engineers are also employed in related transportation industries such as automotive, ship and high speed trains. AE is divided into two branches: aeronautical engineering, which focuses on aircraft operating within the Earth’s atmosphere, and astronautical engineering, which focuses on spacecraft.

Undergraduate Advising Office in 219 MAE-A

Contact us at advising@mae.ufl.edu from your UF email address, and include your UFID number with a clear and concise description of how we may assist you. MAE does not assign specific advisors to students, as each advisor specializes in particular interest areas. All advising questions should be directed to the one advising email address above and the appropriate team member will be able to assist you.

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